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Module 1: Setting up your Website Domain
What is a Domain?
How much does a domain cost?
What to look for when choosing your Domain
Buying your Domain
Module Summary
Module 2: Setting up Website Hosting
What is website hosting?
What to look for in a good hosting company
Our Recommendation: Siteground
Which hosting package should I choose?
Connecting your domain to your host
Module 2 Summary
Module 3: Installing Wordpress and a Wordpress theme
Installing Wordpress on Siteground
Logging in to your Website to make Changes
Why it's important to choose a good wordpress theme
How to find out what theme someone else is using
Themes we recommend
Installing your new theme
Content Delivery Networks
What is a CDN and why do I need one?
How to connect Cloudflare if you have a Siteground account
How to Install Cloudflare if you didn't sign up to Siteground
Wrap up
Course recap - and what next?
How to connect Cloudflare if you have a Siteground account
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